
Witcher 3 API


Rest API for the Witcher 3 🕹Game Created by CDProjekt Red . This API catalogs the character, armors, beasts, weapons in the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt game.

💻 Technology Used

ASP.Net Core, Azure Sql, Azure Web Service, Swagger

Project Repo



BakeShop is Online store for Bakery Products. In BakeShop, customer can select a different type of bakery products to your cart like cake, doughnuts, pie etc. Customer need to register/login to checkout from the store.

💻 Technology Used

ASP.Net Core, Azure Sql, Azure Web Service, Bootstrap 4

Project Repo



Readabli is a text readability tool. User can give input to the application and it provides readability score, grade and age required to understand the given text. It also gives detail about the number of characters, words, sentences etc. User can Directly enter the text or upload a text file to check readability score.

💻 Technology Used

C# , Blazor Webassembly, HTML, CSS ,Github Page

Project Demo Project Repo

कथाहरू (KathaHaru)


This project is created to showcase the collection of Nepali children’s stories. It is made with collaboration with my friend who translated the stories to the Nepali language. This project was aimed to help children learn through stories written in their mother tongue, especially when they are unable to go to school due to the Corona epidemic.

💻 Technology Used

HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Bootstrap 4

Project Demo Project Repo

VIN Dashboard


This dashboard is for the VIN which is non-profit organization in Kathmandu. The dashboard shows insights about the organization works like no.of volunteers,Program organized etc. This is my final year internship project.

💻 Technology Used

R, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and highcharter

Project Demo

SDG Report 2019


This is a interactive visualization of the SDG 2019 report. It shows the levels at which the country are on 17 different Sustainable Goals.

💻 Technology Used

HTML, CSS, R and Shiny framework.

Project Demo Project Repo

Credit Card Fraud Detection System


A Dashboard which classifiy the transactions as fraud and genuine and lists out the alerts which helps the investigator to find fraud.

💻 Technology Used

Shiny, Highcharter, H2O, R

Project Demo Project Repo

Nepal Provinical Dashboard


This Dashboard shows the population distribution of Nepal on new provincial map.

💻 Technology Used

R, Leaflet, Flexdashboard

Project Repo Project Demo

Medical Expense Predictor


This uses linear regression algorithm to predict the year Medical Expense using the given input.

💻 Technology Used

R, Shiny , ML

Project Repo Project Demo

Electricity Dashboard


This interactive visualizations shows insight about the production, revenue of electricity in Nepal. Flexdashboard is used to create the dashboard along with Highcharter, Tidyverse.

💻 Technology Used

Highcharter, R, TidyVerse, Flexdashboard

Project Repo Project Demo